We Didn't Start the Fire Review

Information At A Glance
We Didn't Start the Fire is a song by Billy Joel in the Rock genre. It was released in 1989 by the Columbia Records label. The artist's official site can be found at www.billyjoel.com.

Overall Music Ratings

Vocals 9.0
Lyrics 10.0
Sound Quality 8.0
Rhythm/Beat 9.0
Enjoyability 10.0
Overall 9.0
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This song rocks

User Ratings

Vocals 9
Lyrics 10
Sound Quality 8
Rhythm/Beat 9
Enjoyability 10
Overall 9

(0) 0

Billy Joel has produced another all time great song with this hit. It features some of the best lyrics you could ever find in a song and has a really catchy beat.

The music is very upbeat, energetic and fun. I quite enjoyed this song the first time I heard it many years ago, and just decided to write a review on it. I hope everyone listens to this song based on my review and posts their opinion as well. Thanks.

Review Posted By cardy24 On 2010-09-09 At 02:37:48

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