Poker Face Review

Information At A Glance
Poker Face is a song by Lady Gaga in the Pop genre. It was released in 2008 by the Streamline label. The artist's official site can be found at

Overall Music Ratings

Vocals 9.0
Lyrics 8.0
Sound Quality 10.0
Rhythm/Beat 10.0
Enjoyability 9.0
Overall 9.0
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Lady Gaga Poker Poker Poker face yaya

User Ratings

Vocals 9
Lyrics 8
Sound Quality 10
Rhythm/Beat 10
Enjoyability 9
Overall 9

(0) 0

Pokerface by Lady Gaga is an excellent song for dancing or even working out. I usually listed to it when I am feeling down or lazy and want to get in the mood to work out. It is an excellent song with a great catchy tune. I don't like Lady gaga much as a person, but you cant deny that she is talented.

This is a nice pop song that may not mean much in the grand scheme of things, but it does sound good. Listen to it and you will become addicted to that beat lol.

The sound seems like a nice mix of 80s meshed with current music. Give it a listen.

Review Posted By care a lot On 2010-09-09 At 03:17:17

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