Every Little Step Review

Information At A Glance
Every Little Step is a song by Bobby Brown in the Pop genre. It was released in 1988 by the MCA label. The artist's official site can be found at www.bobbybrownonline.com.

Overall Music Ratings

Vocals 9.0
Lyrics 8.0
Sound Quality 10.0
Rhythm/Beat 9.0
Enjoyability 9.0
Overall 9.0
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Nice upbeat song with a classic and catchy vibe

User Ratings

Vocals 9
Lyrics 8
Sound Quality 10
Rhythm/Beat 9
Enjoyability 9
Overall 9

(0) 0

This is a classic catchy song by Bobby Brown. The beat is quite good and the words catchy. I really think that the music for this song is some of the best ever and just thinking about the name of he song instantly brings the music right back into my head. This is the sign of a classic song. The dancing in the music video was great as well :) Bobby Brown demonstrated quite a unique sense of style as well for the time and in some ways he was ahead of his time. It is a shame that his career went downhill so shortly after..

Review Posted By zanzabar On 2011-04-02 At 03:14:01

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