Feeling Good Review

Information At A Glance
Feeling Good is a song by Michael Buble in the Easy Listening genre. It was released in 2005 by the Reprise label. The artist's official site can be found at www.michaelbuble.com.

Overall Music Ratings

Vocals 9.0
Lyrics 9.0
Sound Quality 9.0
Rhythm/Beat 10.0
Enjoyability 10.0
Overall 9.0
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A great rendition of a fantastic song

User Ratings

Vocals 9
Lyrics 9
Sound Quality 9
Rhythm/Beat 10
Enjoyability 10
Overall 9

(0) 0

Overall, I find that "Feeling Good" is Michael Buble's most memorable song. Sure, the song isn't technically original to Buble (it was actually recorded over fifty years ago and has performed by numerous artists over the years) - but I feel that its the song that made him famous. I love the way the song builds momentum – going from extremely soft and subtle with only a few instruments and Buble's raspy voice, to a full blown orchestra during its chorus. I have personally listened to a few other artists perform the song, but none of them are even half as good as Buble's rendition. Hopefully, Michael Buble performs some more amazing songs like this in the future – one of the better current Canadian musicians :).

Review Posted By funky girl On 2011-03-23 At 23:47:11

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