Why Review |
Information At A Glance
Why is a song by Rascal Flatts in the Country genre. It was released in 2009 by the Lyric Street label. The artist's official site can be found at www.rascalflatts.com.
Overall Music Ratings | |
Vocals | 9.5 |
Lyrics | 10.0 |
Sound Quality | 9.5 |
Rhythm/Beat | 7.5 |
Enjoyability | 7.0 |
Overall | 7.5 |
An emotional song by one of country's best groups
User Ratings | |
Vocals | 9 |
Lyrics | 10 |
Sound Quality | 9 |
Rhythm/Beat | 8 |
Enjoyability | 6 |
Overall | 7 |
(0) | 0 | |
(0) | ||
Compared to some of Flatt's other songs on this release, I found the subject matter of this song rather depressing. That being said, the lyrics are beautiful and LeVox, as always, did an amazing job delivering them. The only strange part of the song was the guitar solo - I am not sure why they decided to interrupt such a touching song with such an unnecessary distraction. Overall though, I felt this was an okay song, just not one of Rascal Flatts' finer moments.
Review Posted By zanzabar On 2011-02-05 At 19:30:03
A very emotional song by an amazing group
User Ratings | |
Vocals | 10 |
Lyrics | 10 |
Sound Quality | 10 |
Rhythm/Beat | 7 |
Enjoyability | 8 |
Overall | 8 |
(1) | +1 | |
(0) | ||
"Why" is the final track of Rascal Flatts' amazing Unstoppable CD. The subject matter of the song is, admittedly, very depressing as it deals with how loved ones are affected when someone close to them takes their own life - focusing mainly on "Why" they would do such a thing. I remember hearing somewhere that the members of Rascal Flatts have unfortunately experienced this phenomenon themselves during their lives so the song has a very emotional connection for them.
While it is not my favorite song on this release it is still very enjoyable. The song is understandably a slow-paced ballad, and the piano is featured prominently throughout. This helps to highlight lead singer Gary LeVox's amazing voice and range as there aren't too many other things going on during the song other than the piano and his singing. I commend Rascal Flatts for taking on such a difficult subject. Be sure to check out this song when you have the chance.
Review Posted By AllYourBaseBelongToMe On 2010-10-10 At 14:28:50