The Grand Design Review

Information At A Glance
The Grand Design is a book in the Science genre written by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow. The book was published by Bantam Books on 2010-09-07 and contains 208 pages. The book has an ISBN number of 978-0553805376. Our users found the overall impression of this book to be Educational.

Overall Book Ratings

Plot/Execution 9.0
Structure 10.0
Writing Style 10.0
Enjoyability 10.0
Overall 10.0
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An excellent read

User Ratings

Plot/Execution 9
Structure 10
Writing Style 10
Enjoyability 10
Overall 10
Impression: Educational

(0) 0

This excellent read attempts to explain that the "Big Bang" was a direct result of the laws of physics and that God and religion are not required when trying to explain how the universe was created. The book was written by two physicists, the legendary Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow.

For me, the best feature of this book is that is does not require genius-level math skills to understand, as the authors use clear, simple to understand logic to express their theories and beliefs. Understandably, this sort of material can be quite dry for those not completely interested in the subject matter, but the authors do throw in quite a few bits of humor to keep the reader entertained. Overall, this was a fascinating read.

My only real complaint is that I found the relatively small number of illustrations didn't add much to the narrative other than to break it up a bit. I personally wished they have removed the pictures altogether and provided more intense details of their theories - the book is just a tad under 200 pages long and the authors used a fairly large font.

However, if the worst thing I can say about the book is that I wanted more then thats definitely a good sign. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone with even the slightest interest in how the universe came into being from two very intelligent and thought-provoking individuals.

Review Posted By AllYourBaseBelongToMe On 2010-09-09 At 23:03:44

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