War Horse Review

Information At A Glance
War Horse is a book in the Children genre written by Michael Morpurgo. The book was published by Scholastic Press on 2010-09-01 and contains 176 pages. The book has an ISBN number of 978-0439796644. Our users found the overall impression of this book to be Inspirational.

Overall Book Ratings

Plot/Execution 10.0
Structure 10.0
Writing Style 10.0
Enjoyability 10.0
Overall 10.0
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War Horse is a story of horse's bravery and devotion. The Horse and narrator shows human compassion and love on a level that is profoundly human. The story compels us to look at humans and animals, as well as their relationships.

User Ratings

Plot/Execution 10
Structure 10
Writing Style 10
Enjoyability 10
Overall 10
Impression: Inspirational

(0) 0

Nominated for the Whitbread Book Prize in 1982, War Horse is a fantastic story of the horse's bravery and devotion. The intent of this literary evaluation is to present the themes of the novel War Horse and explain how they brought the story to life in War with Horses and Human Nature. War is the central theme throughout the novel that brings a vast amount of conflict. The Horse and narrator of the story is a compelling way to show human compassion and love on a level that is profoundly human. Therefore, Human Nature abounds in the development of the story and shows how profoundly a horse affects the lives of so many throughout a war. War Horse is a story of a horse, human nature, compassion and people skills; a story that compels us to take a second look at humans and animals, as well as their relationships, with love and devotion.

War Theme

The writer, through the eyes of Joey explains the dangers of war. In spite of being ignored on many occasions, the young horse talks of knowing how distressed and damaged the guys are who can't seem to get the time or have empathy to take care of him, as they should. Morpurgo writes from the standpoint of the young horse, describing the different periods of the manmade war. The reader is made aware of the disasters of war and what is necessary for this hero of the war to complete his mission.

Horse Theme

In this story, the general audience is faced with two different views of horses. For example, when two characters enter a related discussion about the ideals (or absence thereof) of horses. One states that horses "personify all that guys attempt to be and never can be" (143); the other states they are simple animals "controlled with a really small mind that only knows food and water"(143). If you believe this, the same arguments could be true for lots of folks, particularly people at battle. Whether officer or enlisted, war can alter individuals, bringing out the best or worst in them. Whatever side of this argument you end up on, something is for certain: the horses make us ponder our own individual nature.

Human Nature Theme

The theme of Human Nature is most presented in Chapter Ten of War Horse. Joey and Topthorn continue carrying the injured from the top line towards the clinic all through that summer and autumn. Although their excursions back and forth are difficult and frequently frightening, for the most part the horses are joyful; and the troopers show their appreciation toward them. At the end of every day, the young girl, Emilie, and her grandpa are awaiting for them by the door. The old man and the child are responsible for looking after the horses once the day is completed, and they do their jobs with gentleness and faithfulness. Emilie, "a small, weak child," becomes notably connected to Joey and Topthorn. In the nights, she leads them around the plantation with self-confidence and has compassionate discussions with them. Her grandpa tearfully tells Joey and Topthorn the beloved child is ill with pneumonia and the physician doesn't know whether she'll live. Emilie prays each evening for her deceased dad, mom, and buddy, all murdered in the battle—and for Joey. The fact that this child would rather pray for the safety of a horse, than her own health compels us to wonder if humans can really love animals just as they do other humans.

In conclusion, this was a beautifully written story that compels the general audience to think very hard about what makes us, as humans, love animals. Why do they take such a giant piece of our hearts and make us ‘better’ human beings. The themes presented in this story help us understand just what it means to have a ‘best friend’ in trials and tribulations, and just what love really means.

Review Posted By Vanessa Mata On 2013-07-27 At 22:53:58

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