Little Tug Review

Information At A Glance
Little Tug is a book in the Children genre written by Lynne Roberts. The book was published by Publications International, Ltd. on 2005-01-01 and contains 16 pages. The book has an ISBN number of 978-1412735750. Our users found the overall impression of this book to be Educational.

Overall Book Ratings

Plot/Execution 8.0
Structure 8.0
Writing Style 8.0
Enjoyability 8.0
Overall 8.0
Book Mascot
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Great fun book for the little ones.

User Ratings

Plot/Execution 8
Structure 8
Writing Style 8
Enjoyability 8
Overall 8
Impression: Educational

(0) 0

This is another great book that my niece likes me to bring out each time I get to visit with her. Little Tug is a fun book that features a squeak-able tug boat that your child can squeak while you or they read the book :). This book features about 7 pages with words on it (fairly short) but does have a nice short story about the little tug boat. The pictures are all bright, vivid and are fairly detailed. My niece really enjoys squeezing the tug boat as he gives off quite a loud “squeak” each time and I get to see her giggle with excitement each time it does :)

Peggy Tagel did some very nice art for this book and the artwork really does invite a child to imagine being with the little tug boat. The book is designed for 0+ year olds and has nice rounded edges and child resistant pages.

I recommend this book to anyone with young children as this book will definitely appeal to children anywhere from 0-4 years old.

Review Posted By Gamerdude On 2011-04-02 At 18:36:21

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