Boohbah Spinaround Review

Information At A Glance
Boohbah Spinaround is a book in the Children genre written by Ladybird Books. The book was published by Ladybird Books Ltd. on 2003-08-28 and contains 14 pages. The book has an ISBN number of 978-1844220977. Our users found the overall impression of this book to be Funny.

Overall Book Ratings

Plot/Execution 8.0
Structure 8.0
Writing Style 7.0
Enjoyability 10.0
Overall 9.0
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Fun and exciting childrens book.

User Ratings

Plot/Execution 8
Structure 8
Writing Style 7
Enjoyability 10
Overall 9
Impression: Funny

(0) 0

My children really enjoy this Scholastic book. I could not believe that a book which has so few words would provide so much fun for them. As the back of the book says “Do a dance! Make a star! Whizz about! Be a Boohbah! My kids really love reading and pretending to be Boohbahs!

The book features a very neat innovative feature as it has a spinning wheel in the middle of the book that the children spin and then act out. I found that this is not only fun for the children but also provides them with some nice exercise and encourages them to learn since they are having fun.

This being a childrens book it has nice think cardboard toddler friendly pages with only a few words per page. The lack of words actually ends up being a nice aspect to this book as it is easier for children to read by not overwhelming them with information. The content of the book is also nice and lighthearted and is very colorful and happy with Boohbahs engaging in various activities everywhere.

I have to recommend this book for all the parents out there with very young children as it not only provides a fun and active learning experience but a very enjoyable one as well.

Review Posted By mowmow On 2011-03-10 At 21:32:21

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