Driven from Within Review

Information At A Glance
Driven from Within is a book in the Biography genre written by Michael Jordan and Mark Vancil. The book was published by Atria on 2005-10-24 and contains 208 pages. The book has an ISBN number of 978-0743284004. Our users found the overall impression of this book to be Inspirational.

Overall Book Ratings

Plot/Execution 8.0
Structure 8.0
Writing Style 8.0
Enjoyability 9.0
Overall 9.0
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Michael Jordan by Michael Jordan

User Ratings

Plot/Execution 8
Structure 8
Writing Style 8
Enjoyability 9
Overall 9
Impression: Inspirational

(1) +1

Driven from Within is a biography written by Michael Jordan. He does not make any world changing revelations or confessions, but does provide a nice overview of how he came to be Michael Jordan.

The book does tend to focus more on his brand (Nike specifically) than his career on the court, but I found this information extremely interesting nonetheless. He also speaks of how he approached all of the challenges in his life and explains how, even if you are the most talented person in the world at what you do, you won't amount to much without a lot of hard work and dedication. One such example is how he resisted the pressures of corporate entities in the design of his signature shoes and how he insisted they be exactly the way he envisioned. Another positive are the number of illustrations highlighting various aspects of the Jordan brand.

If you are at all interested in Michael Jordan, his life, and his brand, as well as the challenges he overcame and his incredible work ethic then I cannot recommend this book enough.

Review Posted By Bookworm On 2010-09-17 At 18:10:24

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